Complementary liquid feed for drinking water based on menthol and eucalyptus with essential oils and saponines


Essential oils of menthol and eucalyptol (200g/liter).


Bottles of 1 L and 5 L.

Especies de destino

Bovino, Porcino, Avicultura, Pavos


Chickens: Oral administration, 200-250 ml/1.000 liters of drinking water during 12 hours/day, during 4 days. Spray: 100 ml of Mento-K for 10.000 birds twice a week.
Calves: 250 ml/1.000 L of drinking water during 3 days (12 hours a day).
Pigs: 250 ml/1.000 L of drinking water during 3 days (12 hours a day).
Turkeys: 250 ml/1.000 L of drinking water during 3 days (12 hours a day).


Treatment of respiratory problems and prevention of secondary colibaccilosis infections.

Tiempo de espera
